Intercultural Literacy

March 07, 2006

WAOE is starting a special Board of Directors' Meeting to deal with changing circumstances. Members received passwords around July 2005 to access a BBS-type forum for WAOE communications after our e-mail discussion lists were continually spammed and hacked.
The forum URL is

However, on the open Web the following is newly available:
WAOE Spoken Libraries: 2006 Update by Nick Bowskill

Recent publications include a couple of presentations in Japanese, a book review in the Asian Studies journal Pacific Affairs (University of British Columbia), and:

"Interview with Professor Eiko Kato, First in the World to Apply iPods to Education"
GLOCOM Platform - Special Topics - Colloquium #64: March 7, 2006
Tokyo: International University of Japan, Japanese Center for Global Communications

An interesting development in podcasting is starting with the universities of Illinois and San Francisco, a repository to share academic podcasts. I'll be one of the first outside of North America to podcast the lectures for a whole course in Bilingual Education, but it will be available only on a campus audio blog. However, I'm glad to share those at Japancasting.
