Intercultural Literacy |
World Association for Online Education (WAOE) members share their cultures and personal observations for greater international awareness. To publish your response to an entry, just e-mail us. WAOE as an NPO disclaims opinions expressed here. For our professional selves concerning online education see the WAOE Home. |
October 14, 2006
by Steve McCarty
2012 Update: This was a pioneering online presentation, in 2006, a blog post combining an embedded SlideShare presentation with an embedded podcast player for the speech. In such ways people can relive the original conference presentation. However, the two podcasting hosts I used are both defunct. Since 2005 I have been actively using my Japanese-English campus blog, which includes online presentations. All the sound files and presentations are available along with other publications at the Bilingualism and Japanology Intersection Website. The WAOE organization is still active as well. - Prof. Steve McCarty, Osaka Jogakuin College & Osaka Jogakuin University. September 04, 2006
by Steve McCarty
The 2006 WAOE Annual Members' Meeting has been taking place since August 31st. Listen to a podcast recorded for this meeting on Web 2.0 Technologies for Research at Japancasting. The presentation discusses the following site, best to watch while listening: Podcasting, Coursecasting, & Web 2.0 Technologies for Research Podcasting for EFL wiki - TESOL Electronic Village Online (EVO) Collegially, Steve McCarty, Professor, Osaka Jogakuin College, Japan President (1998-2007), World Association for Online Education (WAOE) Online library (check out the Flickr moving photo collection) August 20, 2006
by Steve McCarty
"Theorizing and Realizing the Globalized Classroom" in Andrea Edmundson (Ed.), Globalized E-Learning Cultural Challenges, pp. 90-125. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing (July 2006) Hard cover: ISBN: 1-59904-301-7; Soft cover: ISBN: 1-59904-302-5 Publisher's Website for the book
by Steve McCarty
iTunesU News and Coursecasting Research Bookmarks social bookmarking / coursecasting Technorati Profile for waoe (blogs) Steve Illustrated Flickr photo sharing / Research set screen shots Podcasting, Coursecasting, & Web 2.0 Technologies for Research Podcasting in EFL Wiki Steve McCarty Japanese-English college blog July 19, 2006
by Steve McCarty
June 05, 2006
by Steve McCarty
Steve McCarty (Japan), (Ms.) Begum Ibrahim (Malaysia), Boris Sedunov (Russia), & Ramesh Sharma (India), "Global Online Education," pp. 723-787; and Nick Bowskill (UK), Robert Luke (Canada), & Steve McCarty (Japan), "Global Virtual Organizations for Online Educator Empowerment," pp. 789-819; in Joel Weiss, Jason Nolan, Jeremy Hunsinger, & Peter Trifonas (Eds.), The International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments, Volume I (2006). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. ISBN: 1-4020-3802-X. Publisher's Website for the Handbook. May 22, 2006
by Steve McCarty
Your understanding is appreciated, Steve McCarty April 07, 2006
by Steve McCarty
by Steve McCarty
March 07, 2006
by Steve McCarty
The forum URL is However, on the open Web the following is newly available: WAOE Spoken Libraries: 2006 Update by Nick Bowskill Recent publications include a couple of presentations in Japanese, a book review in the Asian Studies journal Pacific Affairs (University of British Columbia), and: "Interview with Professor Eiko Kato, First in the World to Apply iPods to Education" GLOCOM Platform - Special Topics - Colloquium #64: March 7, 2006 Tokyo: International University of Japan, Japanese Center for Global Communications An interesting development in podcasting is starting with the universities of Illinois and San Francisco, a repository to share academic podcasts. I'll be one of the first outside of North America to podcast the lectures for a whole course in Bilingual Education, but it will be available only on a campus audio blog. However, I'm glad to share those at Japancasting. November 25, 2005
by Steve McCarty
There was an interesting article "Podcasting hits the mainstream" in the regional Kansai Scene magazine, Issue 66, November 2005, pp. 10-11. On p. 11, the author, Kym Hutcheon, writes: "If you are interested in cross-cultural issues, Japancasting, hosted by Osaka Jogakuin College professor Steve McCarty, is well worth your time." October 20, 2005
by Steve McCarty
The Stanford JGuide or Japan WWW Virtual Library lists only one regular blog along with Japancasting under Society & Culture > Weblogs & Commentary "Podcast blogs. Directory of MP3 files with text summaries of broadcasts on Japanese culture, history, society, etc. Links to scripts with photos and illustrations for reading while listening. Links to online sources for further research." On 18 Oct 2005 Japancasting received a 4-star rating, very useful for research, from the Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library at the Australian National University: The Asian Studies WWW Monitor: late Oct 2005 - Vol. 12, No. 15 (240) and was in The top 500 resources from "The Asian Studies WWW Monitor". Japancasting was also the first site of its kind in the Monitor and its blog above. That led to posts to Michigan State's leading H-Net Discussion Networks on history and contemporary issues, H-Japan and H-Asia. Also, perhaps the most widely read journal on English education in Japan, Eigo Kyoiku in Japanese, will have a column on technology in the December issue recommending Japancasting for English as a Foreign Language study and pointing to the pioneering work at Osaka Jogakuin College where I work in the second year of giving all students iPods with English listening materials, the first school in the world to do so. Meanwhile I've started the following two sites, connected with the Computer Communication course I'm teaching this fall semester, 2005-06 (the second semester of the school year in Japan): Wilmina Forest Blog waoe or Computer Communication WebCT course information page September 27, 2005
by Steve McCarty
WAOE-Views and other e-mail mailing lists have been changed to the following BBS forum. Please log in with your WAOE User Name and password that you can use also for the Members-Only site entered from The new discussion forum can be viewed freely at: The annual WAOE Board of Directors' Meeting, held in a WebBoard and then the above discussion forum with online parliamentary procedures, was adjourned today. The presentation in Australia listed below on September 10th on the nature of knowledge in new media is now available as a podcast or Webcast (to listen with your computer). See Japancasting September 09, 2005
by Steve McCarty
Multilingual Podcasting, Journal Article, and Presentation in Australia September 2005 starts out with a "Japancasting" podcast in English, Japanese and Chinese, which takes good advantage of the medium: (When listening by computer the Webcasts have to download first). Also see this new journal article: "Spoken Internet To Go: Popularization through Podcasting" The JALT CALL Journal, 1(2) Off to Australia until September 22nd to give a presentation on "Definitions and Knowledge in Successive Educational Media" at the International Conference on Pedagogies and Learning: Meanings under the Microscope at the University of Southern Queensland. The presentation abstract and outline are available as a Web page and the PowerPoint presentation is available as a file to download. July 20, 2005
by Steve McCarty
WAOE Community Audio Learning Project by Nick Bowskill Mike Warner Cliff Layton Japancasting Collegially, Steve McCarty Online library -> Spoken library -> Japancasting: "Cultural, Disciplinary and Temporal Contexts of e-Learning and English as a Foreign Language." eLearn Magazine: Research Papers, April 2005 [new URL]: July 07, 2005
by Steve McCarty
![]() Spoken Internet: Webcasting and Podcasting Since 1997 most of my writings have been accessible through the Internet, but now new technologies and faster connections herald the advent of spoken Internet. I and probably you have many ideas for content. What I've done so far is to set up a podcasting blog as WAOE colleague Nick Bowskill has done at Blogmatrix with the WAOE Community Audio Learning Project. I set up one entitled Japancasting Stream URL: The first entry was to digitally record a speech on Japanese education that I gave to American schoolteachers. The digital recorder, a tiny Japanese gadget, fits into a USB port, so I started with a .wma file for Windows Media Player. To make it a podcast, I converted the file to the .mp3 format. But the MP3 file is over 20 times heavier, so Webcasting may be preferred in this case for Windows users. Ordinarily I, Japanese students and colleagues who are willing, can just speak into a mic attached to my computer, and files can be podcast with the Sparks program of Blogmatrix. It is free for a month, then as little as $10, from For Japancasting to serve multiple audiences including learners of English, I am also offering scripts of the Webcasts and podcasts at Websites linked from Japancasting, the podcasting blog. So people can read the script or a similar outline while listening from the Japancasting site, by opening a new browser window to access both Web pages at once. Or people can print out the script from its Web page and read it while listening to their iPod or other MP3 player. This process could be called getting unwired, because not even a network or wireless connectivity, where even Internet-enabled mobile phones are wired part of the way when routed through servers, is needed at that stage. People are still connected to the message, though, and the social network, so it is still connectivity but transcending networks. The name "Japancasting" does not seem to have been taken, by the way, by any comparable entity, so this is at least a poor man's copyright. The following podcasting scripts are available to view so far in conjunction with Japancasting: Stakes and Stakeholders in the Japanese Educational System The Woman Diver Peace Dialogue among Religions [First year students of English have already performed it (see photo above)] Reincarnation or What? There are all sorts of meaningful stories, aspects of contemporary Japan, and other content that I plan to make available, spoken as well as written. Please subscribe to Japancasting to receive new podcasts as they become available. Steve McCarty in Osaka May 31, 2005
by Steve McCarty
The following article has come out, which I hope will be widely discussed:
March 25, 2005
by Steve McCarty
At Osaka Jogakuin College in 2005 at age 55:
February 13, 2005
January 18, 2005
by Steve McCarty
The following Websites have been updated. Please check them out to be active in the organization: World Association for Online Education (WAOE) President WAOE Organizational Page WAOE in Japanese Thank you, Steve McCarty November 19, 2004
by Steve McCarty
Another paper online I've tried to make most of my publications of the past decade available online, and just found another, which Dr. Kinshuk in New Zealand has made available in pdf format: Bowskill N., McCarty S., Luke R., Kinshuk, Hand K. (2000). Cultural Sensitivity in Voluntary Virtual Professional Development Communities. Indian Journal of Open Learning, 9 (3), 361-379 (ISSN 0971-2690). November 12, 2004
by Steve McCarty
Japanese universities / Reference book for non-native users of English Professor Takamitsu Sawa of Kyoto University wrote an article for the Japan Times entitled "Universities Lack Will to Reform." The Japanese Institute of Global Communications reprinted that article online and published my response, Comment on Takamitsu Sawa's Article "Universities Lack Will to Reform." Read Prof. Sawa's article and then mine if you are interested in Japan. Meanwhile a reference book has come out for EFL self-study and one of the authors is WAOE officer Dr. Begum Ibrahim who graces this blog as well (scroll down to see and read about her). I wrote the Foreword for the book, proofreading and editing the manuscript: Get Speaking Right: Suitable Expressions for Effective Communication. by Abdul Hameed Mohamed Mydin and Ahbul Zailani Begum Mohamed Ibrahim Petaling Jaya, Malaysia: Prentice Hall / Pearson Education (2004); ISBN 983-3205-04-6. November 03, 2004
by Steve McCarty
It is loaded with articles representing most regions of the world, with links to yet further sources. Contents include: * WAOE 2004 Annual Meeting; New Officers Selected * Update on Mentoring Project * Four Members Meet and Present at the Association of Internet Researchers (AOIR) Conference in Brighton, England (includes photo of authors, link to presentation abstracts and PowerPoint) * Online education news or announcements of projects in the Asia-Pacific, Oman, South Africa, India, and East Africa. * Member Profile -- Begum Ibrahim (Malaysia) * Call for participation in the WAOE Online Educator Develoment Committee (OEDC) * Upcoming conferences in South Africa, India and China. * Review of The Reach Of Reflection: Issues For Phenomenology's Second Century * Online Study Tool offered by Respondus: Study Mate * Community in the Digital Age -- article and book review * Learning Objects: What are they and why should I care? (includes screen shot of a content management system) * The Digital Literacy Alliance: An update (support group for Ghana) * President's Corner: Virtual Organization goes Hybrid as Online meets Offline * Troubleshooting the WAOE Website, Discussion Boards, and List-Servs October 31, 2004
by Steve McCarty
Feature: Steve McCarty, Can non-Japanese write real haiku poetry? Simply Haiku: An E-Journal of Haiku and Related Forms November-December 2004, Volume 2, Number 6 October 28, 2004
by Steve McCarty
For 14 months I have filled in for Dr. Mark Warschauer of the University of California in editing the e-mail distribution list Papyrus News, on language, technology, and other topics of concern. Now, happily, Mark is ready to resume this activity but with Papyrus News as an interactive blog. Bookmark or add it to your favorites after checking out the Papyrus News blog. The Papyrus News distribution list messages of recent years are still preserved in the archives. Collegially, Steve McCarty, Professor, Osaka Jogakuin College, Japan President, World Association for Online Education (WAOE) An NPO with membership free. When filling out a Web form to join, you can click to join the WAOE Views unmoderated discussion list. Bookmark Steve's projects | Home page in Japanese Online library (Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library 4-star site) September 28, 2004
by Steve McCarty
"Internet Voice Technologies for Oral Foreign Language Teaching" "E-learning and Online Education in the Foreign Language Teaching Field" Since I moved to Osaka in March 2004 I have not been able to update my publications Website, the Bilingualism and Japanology Intersection, an Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library 4-star site linked from Stanford, Harvard, Duke, the British Library, and over a thousand other sites. So the most recent publications, mostly available on the Web, are noted below and in future posts. Leadership in Introducing Educational Technology in Japan Using English and the Internet could foster a Cultural Revolution in Japan Fear and the Election Presentations Course home pages at my new college: April 18, 2004
by Steve McCarty
I have moved to another professorship at Osaka Jogakuin College in Japan's second largest city. As a result of moving from an outer island, it will be easier to meet people in person. I'm not accessing e-mail to the addresses and, but you can still contact me at except when it fills up with spam. My Website, moved to WAOE's site, still works. See you in Brighton? World Association for Online Education officers in the UK, US and Japan will make a group presentation on WAOE at the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR 5.0) conference at the University of Sussex in England, from September 19-21, 2004. Our proposal was accepted and the reviewers cited our "international collaboration" on an "interesting topic." If you can attend the conference, let us know. See the conference home page. February 02, 2004
by Steve McCarty
"Voice Technologies help turn the Computer into a Communication Device" Archive of CRN Home Page Topics for Discussion Tokyo: Child Research Net (January 2004) "Revival of the Papyrus News distribution list on language and technology" (pdf format) APACALL Newsletter No. 4 Asia-Pacific Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning The University of Southern Queensland, Australia (December 2003) "Parameters of Online Education" [President's Corner, near the bottom of the newsletter] World Association for Online Education (WAOE) WEB - WAOE Electronic Newsletter (October 2003) "Connectivity: the 'Line' in Online Education" WEB - WAOE Electronic Newsletter (December 2003) September 19, 2003
September 18, 2003
by Steve McCarty
The World Association for Online Education newsletter WAOE Electronic Bulletin (WEB) is meant for members, so please keep in mind that you need to join WAOE to receive the free services. The latest is a mentoring project on informal learning where online education projects in need are matched with a group of volunteer mentors. See the Vol. 3, No. 3 (August/September 2003) issue of WEB for details and other features. To join our NPO for free, just click on "Join WAOE" at the WAOE home page and fill in the Web form. Thank you.
by Steve McCarty
Dr. Mark Warschauer has asked me to edit the distribution list Papyrus News (PN) at the University of California from here in Japan. About 1,500 ESL/EFL teachers and scholars in other fields around the world subscribe. Two or three times a week I plan to send out gathered Web resources, news articles, academic opportunities, and ideas on distance education and the topics Mark has indicated: technology in education, literacy, language learning/use, human/social development, culture, and equity. Please send me annotated resources, including URLs, of possible interest to the subscribers. You can also subscribe to Papyrus News. September 02, 2003
by Steve McCarty
For travel in Western Japan or studying Japan's religious heritage, my newly released encyclopedia entries on the Shikoku pilgrimage, Mount Koya, and Buddhist Syncretism (combining many Asian religions) may be of interest. This is my fourth site to receive a 4-star rating, very useful for social sciences research, from the Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library based at the Australian National University. Each article includes photos from the encyclopedia. The other sites and year they received the 4-star rating are: Multilingual Guide to the Pilgrimage Island of Japan (2003) (Alternating English and Japanese for learners of either language; also Spanish, French and Dutch WWW versions of the whole book) Japan Journal of Multilingualism and Multiculturalism (2003) (English-Japanese) Bilingualism and Japanology Intersection (1997, 2001) (Online publications, English and Japanese annotated versions) Collegially, Steve McCarty, Professor, Kagawa JC, Japan - Bookmark July 29, 2003
by Steve McCarty
Toward a code of ethics for distance education envisioned by our virtual organization WAOE, some other recent writings may be of interest: passages on intercultural communication by K. S. Sitaram, from the Sumerian and Harappan cradles of civilization to the latest communication technologies, and my responses to passages from Bill Readings' The University in Ruins.